Six Feet Under dizisinden replikler
Posted by Birileri Beni Sustursun | Posted in Replikler | Posted on 04:29
Nate: Her şeyin yolunda gittiğini görmek korkutucu çünkü o zaman hayal kırıklığına uğrama riskini de almış oluyorsun.
Brenda: Vay canına. Bunu gerçekten de düşünmüşsün?
Nate: Hayır. Öylesine konuşuyordum.
"Bazen insanlar dayanılmaz olur.. Çünkü endişeli oldukları için ilk gösterdikleri tarafları itici ve saldırgandır. onlarla vakit geçirdikçe fark edersiniz ki tanımak isteyeceğiniz başka yanları vardır. "
Claire: Why did you have to die? It really sucks. Everything's unraveling since you're gone.
Nate: That's not true.
Claire: It feels that way. I miss you. I miss you so fucking much!
Nate: I miss you, too.
Claire: You know how i always used to tell you you weren't dad, after dad died? It was such a waste of time thinking that way.
Nate: No, it's just part of how you dealt with it. it kept you from missing dad so much.
Claire: No, it kept me from ever knowing you as much as i really could have, and now you are so completely fucking gone! It's just …
Nate: Claire –
Claire: What? It sucks!
Nate: Stop listening to the static.
Claire: What the fuck does that mean?
Nate: Nothing. It just means that everything in the world is like this transmission, making its way across the dark. But everything – death, life, everything – it's all completely suffused with static. [makes static sounds] you know? But if you listen to the static too much, it fucks you up.
Claire: Are you high?
Nate: I am actually, yeah, quite high.
Claire: [smiling then laughing] You are?!
Hayat canlılara israf edilmiş.
İlk günah, elmanın yenilişi değildi. Otoritenin sorgulanması da değildi. tanrı'ya kendi fikrini savunma şansı vermemekti. Yılanın sözlerini esas gerçek olarak kabul etmekti. Esas günah, tanrı'ya gidip " Hey, neler oluyor? Bize yalan söylediğini söyledi." denilmemesiydi. Tanrı'nın yalan söylediğini varsaymaktı.
Ruth: Nathaniel, what happened to us? We were so in love once.
Nathaniel sr.: Life happened to us. I buried hundreds of people, and we watched each other grow old.
Claire: You know, it's polite for the first person downstairs to make the coffee even if that person has a penis!
Nate: Well, you know, it's also polite for the first person who uses the bathroom to spend less than 45 minutes in there even if that person has a vulva.
Ruth: [entering] Oh goodness, everyone's here.
David: With all their genitalia.
Father Jack: Truth and relationships don't make life easy. They make it possible.
David: I felt so free for a week. But then, all of a sudden, within days i went from "yay, i'm independent" to "holy fuck, i'm gonna die alone."
Nathaniel sr.: You aren't even grateful, are you?
David: Grateful? For the worst fucking experience of my life?
Nathaniel sr..: You hang onto your pain like it means something, like it's worth something. well, let me tell 'ya, it's not worth shit. Let it go. Infinite possibilities, and all he can do is whine.
David: Well, what am i supposed to do?
Nathaniel sr.: What do you think? You can do anything, you lucky bastard, you're alive! What's a little pain compared to that?
David: It can't be that simple.
Nathaniel sr.: [putting his arm around david and pulling him closer] What if it is?
Nate: Time flies when you're having fun, huh?
Nathaniel sr.: No, time flies when you're pretending to have fun. Time flies when you're pretending to love Brenda and that baby she wants so much. Time flies when you're pretending to know what people mean when they say "love". Face it, buddy boy, There's two kinds of people in the world: there's you, and there's everybody else, and never the twain shall meet.
Claire: Oh, i wanna take a picture of everyone.
Nate: You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone.
Bildiğim tek tanrı çirkin pantolon giyen asabi bir palyaço ve bütün esprileri birbirinin aynı.
Everything ends.
You are fucking so alone in this world.
Mitzy Dalton Huntley: You're a runner, huh? It's bad for your knees.
Nate Fisher: Yeah, well, everything's bad for something.
what do you think
has become of the young and old men?
and what do you think
has become of the women and children?
they are alive and well somewhere
the smallest sprout shows
there is really no death
and if ever there was, it led forward life
and does not wait at the end to arrest it
and ceas'd the moment life appear'd
all goes onward and outward
nothing collapses
and to die is different
from what any one supposed
and luckier.
Maybe your soul mate is the person who forces your soul to grow the most.
Sometimes less than one man is more than enough.
Time doesn't tell the truth about our souls.
We're all children when we truly love.
"all that lives
lives forever
only the shell
the perishable passes away
the spirit is without end
eternal, deathless"
David: You could've dressed.
Claire: I couldn't.
David: The rest of us managed.
Claire: Well then the rest of you win
Nate: Kurt Cobain died today.
Claire: Oh.
Nate: He killed himself. He was just too pure for this world.
"Our death is our wedding with eternity.
what is the secret? "god is one."
the sunlight splits when entering the windows of the house.
this multiplicity exists in the cluster of grapes;
it is not in the juice made from the grapes.
for he who is living in the light of god,
the death of the carnal soul is a blessing.
regarding him, say neither bad nor good,
for he is gone beyond the good and the bad.
fix your eyes on god and do not talk about what is invisible,
so that he may place another look in your eyes.
it is in the vision of the physical eyes
that no invisible or secret thing exists.
but when the eye is turned toward the light of god
what thing could remain hidden under such a light?
although all lights emanate from the divine light
don't call all these lights "the light of god";
it is the eternal light which is the light of god,
the ephemeral light is an attribute of the body and the flesh.
...oh god who gives the grace of vision!
the bird of vision is flying towards you with the wings of desire.."
Tracy Montrose Blair: Why do people have to die?
Nate: To make life important. None of us know how long we've got. Which is why we have to make each day matter.
Gabe Dimas: Life just wasn't the right environment for me.
Nathaniel Fisher: Life is wasted on the living.
Claire: If we live our lives the right way then everything we do can become a work of art.
Çocuklara; oldukları gibi istenilsinler ve sevilsinler! Bundan daha azı felaket oluyor...
Senin kim olman gerekiyor?
- Ölü adam**
- Ben Azrail'i tercih ederdim.
- Ben de o olmak isterdim ama Marvel tüm haklarını satın almış.
Phone Machine: Claire, hi, this is gavin at new image and i hate to be the one to tell you this, but... new image has been bought by stock options, and they're consolidating their operations, and... well, they're in chicago, so i hope you haven't headed out here yet. sorry.
Nate*: Aw, who cares? Go anyway.
Claire: What, are you crazy? I'm gonna move to New York city without a job?
Nate: Mom gave you the money, you're gonna land somewhere. You'll be fine. You're talented, you're smart, you're ready.
Claire: What if i'm not?
Nate: Claire, you want to know a secret? I spent my whole life being scared. Scared of not being ready, of not being right, of not being who i should be and where did it get me?
Claire: What should i tell everyone tonight?
Nate: Nothing! you can't stay here!
Life is pain. Get used to it
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